What to consider:
- Safety rating: We are proud to say that Barney has one of the lowest risk assessment numbers in BC.
- Our caregivers have academic training approved by CCFL. (Minimum Basic ECE in an approved center.- Call CCFL to ensure.). "Family Daycares" are NOT obligated to be ECE certified.
- Please ask for meal and snack menu. Some care centers may provide low nutrient foods (e.g.: fast food) or cancer causing processed meat that has "sodium nitrate" in it.
- Convenient backyard with proper fencing and gates
- For more critical notes on how to ensure health and safety of your child(ren) please call for your one-on-one interview.
This Facility Offers CCFRI / Fee Reduction Rates (as well, we accept subsidies.)
Age Group Infants, and up to 18 months $ (Following Fee Reduction Rates) 18 months to 3 years old $ (Following Fee Reduction Rates) 3 to 5 years old $ (Following Fee Reduction Rates) Kindergarten Call After school care Please contact us Part time and occasional Please contact us |
>Minimum Deposit: $350 as of January 2018 |